Getting ready to take on the business world!

Last week, our Form 2 pupils learnt all about money. A toyshop was set up in their maths class, where in pairs, they took it in turn to be the shopkeeper and the customer.
As shopkeepers, the pupils had to decide on the price of the toys and check the stock inventory. They then had the challenge of ensuring they gave customers the correct change.
Customers were given a budget of £2.75, and in their pairs, they had to work together to buy their desired toys.
Taking their role of customer seriously, one pair successfully purchased six toys, leaving them with 89p in their pocket. Another pair bought three toys and had an impressive £1.30 still to spend!
The task was a great opportunity for the children to demonstrate their teamwork, as well as mathematical and budgeting skills. They had a lot of fun, and we enjoyed seeing their entrepreneurial skills come to life!